Recently, I have realized the importance of shifting finance conversations away from cost and toward ROI, both tangible and intangible.
financial sustainability
This Week in College Viability Podcast
Gary Stocker invited Rebeka Mazzone to be a guest on his This Week in College Viability podcast. It was a great talk!
What’s the Process for Achieving Financial Sustainability?
Today, many institutions are trying to reduce costs. Some are not liquid enough for a 2-5-year turnaround. I help them find options.
Communicating Sightlines to Financial Sustainability
We are faced with significant pressure to right-size our institutions while facing unknown enrollment headwinds. This makes it almost impossible to predict the future or achieve financial sustainability. As we see revenue eroded and face inflationary pressures, our presidents look to the finance department to close the gap. This is a difficult task given that […]