How do recent events in higher education finance shape the priorities of finance departments for the coming year?
Shift the Conversation to ROI
Recently, I have realized the importance of shifting finance conversations away from cost and toward ROI, both tangible and intangible.
Use Your Institution’s Data and Lessons Learned to Tell a Story
Presidents and provosts must share data differently to communicate the financial strategy of the institution with the faculty and staff.
To Tenure or Not To Tenure; That Is the Question
What is the “right mix” of classes taught by adjuncts vs full time instructors (with tenure and without tenure)?
What Tools Do You Need to Examine the Financial Condition of Your Institution?
Presidents and provosts often ask about how to maintain the financial condition and sustainability of their institutions.
Is Your Revenue Strategy Focused on Quantity, Quality, or Price?
Revenue strategy in higher education is made up of three key drivers which play important roles: quantity, quality, and price.
This Week in College Viability Podcast
Gary Stocker invited Rebeka Mazzone to be a guest on his This Week in College Viability podcast. It was a great talk!
What’s the Process for Achieving Financial Sustainability?
Today, many institutions are trying to reduce costs. Some are not liquid enough for a 2-5-year turnaround. I help them find options.